HL Deb 01 August 1951 vol 173 cc156-7

2.38 p.m.


My Lords, I beg to ask the Question which stands in my name on the Order Paper.

[The Question was as follows:

To ask His Majesty's Government how many public buildings, including bridges, have been erected, or are in the course of construction, in Scotland with Government assistance, involving the use of Freestone (a) in block masonry constructions; (b) as facing material; and whether they can say what is the total tonnage or volume of (a) Freestone; (b) artificial or reconstituted stone used in such buildings; and what proportion of the total natural Freestone used has been imported into Scotland.]


My Lords, natural stone has been used since the war in ten public buildings erected or in course of erection by the Ministry of Works in Scotland. Block masonry was used in nine cases and facing material in the other one. In other projects, artificial or reconstituted stone has been used. The quantity and extent of stone usage could not be ascertained without detailed examination of bills of quantities. In four of the projects the stone has been obtained from Scottish quarries, but in the others, where stone of close texture in a light uniform cream colour has been required, the stone has come from quarries in Northumberland, the nearest source of supply. Stone has also been used for many other public buildings which have been erected by other authorities in Scotland, with Government assistance, and it is also quite common to use Scottish stone for bridges. The number of cases and the extent of the stone usage are not, however, known, and could not be obtained without considerable inquiry, involving much time and labour.


My Lords, I beg to thank the noble Lord for his reply.