HL Deb 21 November 1950 vol 169 cc387-8

2.35 p.m.


My Lords, I beg leave to make a short announcement concerning to-morrow's Business. As your Lordships are aware, the Queen of the Netherlands is being entertained to luncheon to-morrow at a banquet in Guildhall, and a number of members of your Lordships' House are involved. It has therefore been agreed, through the usual channels, that to-morrow the House shall meet at 3.30 p.m., instead of 2.30 p.m., to enable noble Lords to return for the commencement of the Business. I must express the appreciation of the Government for this agreement, because it is desirable that they should be represented in Guildhall on this auspicious occasion.


My Lords, as the noble Lord has mentioned the Business of the House, would it be convenient if I asked a question about it now, or should I leave it until the end of the Questions?


Ask it now.


I was going to ask the noble Viscount the Leader of the House whether it is intended to communicate orally to this House the important statement on Egyptian policy which Mr. Bevin read in another place yesterday.


My Lords, I have not had notice of this question, but in view of the wide publicity given to the statement made by my right honourable friend in another place yesterday, it was not deemed necessary to repeat it in this House. If it is thought desirable, how-ever, I have no doubt that that can be arranged.


My Lords, it is not for me to offer any comment, but this is the House of Lords and the statement is a statement of major importance which may have very grave consequences.


My Lords, I am entirely at the disposal of the House. I should like to have a longer opportunity of considering the point, and of consulting with my right honourable friend. I am only too anxious to serve the desires of the House.

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