HL Deb 03 November 1949 vol 165 c203

The LORD CHANCELLOR acquainted the House, That the Bill has been endorsed with a Certificate from the Speaker that is a Money Bill within the meaning of the Parliament Act, 1911.

Seed Imported by Forestry Commission
Species Quantity Imported Disposals*
To Nursery Trade To Private Individuals†
1947 1948 1949 1947 1948 1949 1947 1948 1949
lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb.
Corsican Pine 5,642 3,264 1,972 505 333 575 129 34 31
European Larch 309 3 26 5
Japanese Larch 1,000 4,549 5,891 1,460 1,622 96 112
Douglas Fir 1,674 1,691 844 351 39 6 26
Norway Spruce 3,140 4,688 1,094 68 219 186 47 92 126
Sitka Spruce 4,879 7,506 1,778 829 816 1,035 48 70 86
Others 408 210 1,440 56 24
Total 17,052 20,217 13,866 2,246 2,828 3,825 266 324 410
Beech 29,691 210 6,578 6,874
Oak 39,375 13,017
Oak, Red American 1,378 1,896 6,600
Total 70,444 2,106 26,195 6,874
*Actuals (i.e., irrespective of year of import.)
†Includes small sales to certain non-trading public Institutions.
‡A considerable quantity of home collected seed was also distributed to the Nursery Trade and others.