HL Deb 24 September 1948 vol 158 c241

11.5 a.m.


My Lords, before we come to the business on the Order Paper, I have a short announcement to make as to future arrangements. After we have concluded the debate to-day, we shall adjourn our Sittings for Public Business until Monday, October 25, when we expect to meet for Prorogation at 12 noon. The new Session will be opened by His Majesty on Tuesday, October 26, when some return will be made to prewar ceremonial. Your Lordships will meet for Prorogation on October 25 in your present Chamber, the King's Robing Room. On the following day, however, we shall return for the opening ceremony to our proper Chamber, at present occupied by the House of Commons while their own Chamber is being rebuilt. The Commons will meet that morning in St. Stephen's Hall. On the afternoon of October 26, after the opening ceremony, your Lordships will meet here again in your present Chamber at 2.30 p.m. for the debate on the Address.


Will the noble Lord be good enough to say what he means exactly by "some return to prewar ceremonial". Are we to array ourselves in robes again, or does that apply only to Peeresses; or what is to happen?


I am afraid that I should require notice of that question. A few of the leaders will be wearing their robes.


If some of us wear robes, why not all? I am sure it would be very popular with the general public.


Notice will be taken of the noble Lord's suggestion.


I give my noble friend warning that if he wears robes, so shall I

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