HL Deb 12 May 1948 vol 155 c811

2.35 p.m.


My Lords, before we deal with the business on the Order Paper I should like, if I may, to repeat to your Lordships an announcement made by Mr. Speaker in another place. I will use his own words. He said: The Ceremony of the Laying of the Foundation Stone of the New Chamber will take place on Wednesday, May 26, at 12 noon in Star Chamber Court. I am in some difficulty owing to the very limited space available, therefore I regret that it will not be possible to find accommodation for the wives of Members or guests. Some Members of the previous Parliament may wish to attend and they will be welcome as far as room permits. I read Mr. Speaker's words because I feel that it is only too clear that the difficulty to which he referred will apply certainly in no less degree to members of your Lordships' House.