HL Deb 23 March 1948 vol 154 cc1012-3

2.36 p.m.

Order of the Day read for the consideration of the Second Report from the Select Committee.

The Committee reported as follows:


A Report from the Sub-Committee on the Lords War Memorial was laid before the Committee and agreed to.


The Committee approved the proposals made by the Clerk of the Parliaments respecting the care of the documents in the Victoria Tower.


The Committee authorised a revision in the scales of salary of certain grades allied to the Executive class in the Civil Service and the application of assimilation terms as laid down in Treasury Circular No. 2/48 dated 14th January, 1948.


The Committee sanctioned the application of Treasury Establishment Officers Circulars Nos. 3/48 and 4/48 for the payment of an allowance for proficiency in either shorthand or typing to any member of the staff who passes the tests of the Royal Society of Arts.


My Lords, I beg to move that this Report be now considered.

Moved, That the Second Report from the Select Committee be now considered.—(The Earl of Drogheda.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.


My Lords, there is one item in this Report which will be of general interest to the House. Your Lordships will see that the Committee adopted, and indeed unanimously adopted, the proposals made by the subcommittee appointed to consider the form which the House of Lords War Memorial should take. These proposals, shortly, are as follows: First, to record on panels in the Royal Gallery and on an illuminated Roll of Honour the names of those who fell in the war or who lost their lives through enemy action, the names to include Peers, sons of Peers, officials of the House and, also, Peers' wives and daughters; secondly, to move to a garden in the precincts of the House the bronze figures now in the Royal Gallery; thirdly, to decorate and gild the niche in the Royal Gallery now occupied by the figures and to replace the original window—the Roll of Honour to be placed on a table in the niche. These proposals are set out more fully in the report of the sub-committee, copies of which are available in the House. The cost of the scheme is estimated at not more than £3,000, and it is suggested that an appeal be sent to all Peers in order to raise the necessary funds. I beg to move that the Report be adopted.

Moved, That the Report be agreed to.—(The Earl of Drogheda.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.