HL Deb 23 June 1948 vol 156 cc1153-4

2.37 p.m.


My Lords, I beg leave to ask His Majesty's Government the question standing in my name on the Order Paper.

[The question was as follows:

To ask His Majesty's Government, whether in view of the mounting evidence of hardships caused to intending migrants to Canada and their families, and in view of the very generous financial assistance given to this country by Canada, they are now prepared, in the case of those registered as intending migrants with recognised authority prior to the last announcement, to permit withdrawal of funds on the earlier scale.]


My Lords, the answer is "No" We are, however, prepared to give the benefit of the old terms to emigrants who can show that, prior to April 9 last, they were financially committed in the expectation of being able to transfer the amounts then permitted, irrespective of whether they have been accepted by the Canadian authorities or not. Those not so committed can, of course, still emigrate on the same conditions as apply generally to new applicants.


My Lords, arising out of that reply, may I say that while it is a matter for limited satisfaction that some division will be made, the situation remains as it was in the majority of cases? May I ask the noble Viscount whether he will try to obtain material for a reply to the question which was put to him in the course of the debate on this subject in this House on May 26? That question was whether the matter was one dealt with by way of consultation with the Dominion Governments and the Government of the Province of Ontario, or whether those Governments were merely informed of the decision taken.


I am afraid that I should require further notice of that question, which involves details which I have not before me. But, as I have said, our undertaking does apply to those financially committed prior to April 9 last.


While again thanking the noble Viscount, may I point out that I pressed for a reply to this question in the course of the debate which I have mentioned? No reply was furnished then, nor has any been given since. Perhaps the noble Viscount will let us know whether those Governments were consulted, or whether they were merely informed.


I have every desire to give the noble Lord any information I can. Perhaps he will have a word with me as to the form, possibly, of another question. I have not the material from which to answer him to-day.


I thank the noble Viscount, and I will take advantage of his suggestion.