HL Deb 28 July 1948 vol 157 c1283

Clause 33, page 34, line 35, leave out from "not" to "at" in line 36 and insert "by way of supporting or opposing the candidature of any individual as against any other or others "

The Commons proposed to amend this Amendment as follows: Leave out ("by way of") and insert ("with, a view to")


My Lords, all your Lordships' Amendments to this Bill have been agreed upon by the other House with the exception of two, both of which relate to the same point. There was an interchange of observations between the noble and learned Viscount, Lord Simon and myself. I shared his view that the words "by way of" were not better than the words "with a view to," which were originally accepted in this House. I am glad to say that another place has fallen in with our view. I beg to move.

Moved, That this House do agree with the Commons in the said Amendment to the Lords Amendment—(Viscount Addison.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.