HL Deb 22 April 1948 vol 155 c333

4.4 p.m.


My Lords, before we start on the business on the Order Paper, I trust that I may be allowed to say a few words on the business for next week, which is of an unusually important character. In the first place, we are meeting specially on Monday next at 4 p.m. in order to pass a Resolution for an humble Address of Congratulation to be presented to Their Majesties on their Silver Wedding Day. The remainder of the sitting will be occupied by the Report stage of the National Assistance Bill and the Committee stage of the Army and Air Force (Annual) Bill. On Tuesday next, April 27, we shall take the Second Reading of the Criminal justice Bill, a measure of major importance in which, very naturally, great interest is being taken by your Lordships in all parts of the House, without respect to Party political associations, because it is in no sense a Party matter. So many noble Lords have already announced their intention of speaking that it is very doubtful whether the debate can be compressed within a single sitting. We propose, therefore, that we should sit until 6.30 p.m. or seven o'clock on Tuesday and if, as appears likely, the debate has not ended by then, that it should be adjourned and taken as first Order on the following day.

I shall be very sorry indeed if this should mean the postponement of the Motions already on the Paper for Wednesday next in the names of Lord Vansittart and Lord Mersey. I have already taken steps to acquaint both noble Lords of the situation, and I have only to add now how sorry I am that their Motions should be threatened. I should perhaps add that, as we are meeting for Public Business on Monday next, it will not be necessary to hold a formal sitting to receive a Bill from another place to-morrow, Friday, as was originally planned.

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