HL Deb 31 July 1947 vol 151 c856

Second Schedule, page 3o, line 29, at end insert:

19 & 20 Vict. c. 56. Exchequer Court (Scotland) Act, 1856 Sections five to nine. In Section ten the words from "in place of," to "provided."
Sections eleven and twelve.
In Section twenty-two the words from "and all interlocutors or decrees," to the end of the section.
Schedules A, B, C, D and E.")

Page 30, line 45, at end insert:

"38 & 39 Vict. c. 89. The Public Works Loans Act, 1875. Paragraph (1) of Section five, and in Section seven the words from "Where the secretary" to the end of the section.")

Page 31, line 21, at end insert:

("57 & 58 Vict. c. 60. The Merchant Shipping Act, 1894. Subsection (4) of Section four hundred and sixty.")

Page 31, line 48, at end insert:

("26 Geo. 5. & 1 Edw. 8. c. 44. The Air Navigation Act, 1936. Subsection (5) of Section twenty-six, paragraph (5) of Section thirty-two, and Part II of the Fourth Schedule.")

My Lords, these are all drafting Amendments. I beg to move.

Moved, That the House doth agree with the Commons in the said Amendments.—(The Lord Chancellor.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.