HL Deb 02 December 1947 vol 152 cc1022-3

2.53 p.m.

Order of the Day for the Second Reading read.


My Lords, this little Bill originates from a change in the office of the Lieutenant Governor which took place in both Jersey and Guernsey in April last. Before the war, and after the liberation of the Islands up to the end of March of this year, the Lieutenant Governor in each island was a military officer paid from War Office funds, on which, therefore, fell most of the expenses of maintaining the office. In consequence of the decision of the War Office to withdraw all troops from the Islands (and that the appointment of a military officer was no longer necessary or justified) other arrangements for the office had to be made.

The association of the Islands with the Crown has been historically and traditionally very close, the Islands being part of the old Dukedom of Normandy. I suppose that is why they are sometimes called "the Norman Islands." His Majesty decided that, notwithstanding that there is no longer a military establishment in the Islands, it is desirable that there should be in each of the islands of Jersey and Guernsey a resident Lieutenant Governor who should act as a representative of the Sovereign and as the channel of communication between the Island authorities and the Privy Council and His Majesty's Government. It became necessary, therefore, to come to an arrangement with the Islands about defraying the cost of maintaining the office in each Island. As a result of negotiations, conducted in the friendliest spirit, the States in each Island agreed to meet: the cost from their revenues in consideration of their being given the surplus of the Crown revenues in the Islands after deduction of the cost and of certain minor expenses which are incurred for maintaining the honour and dignity of the Crown. This was a very satisfactory settlement, and it accords with the arrangements made in the Colonies, all of which undertake the financial responsibility for the salary and emoluments of the King's representative and the upkeep of his official residence and office. This measure has been certified as a Money Bill, and I do not think I need add anything further. I beg to move that the Bill be read a second time.

Moved, That the Bill be now read 2a. (Lord Walkden.)

On Question, Bill read 2a: Committee negatived.