HL Deb 22 October 1946 vol 143 c485

My Lords, before we resume the Committee stage of the National Health Service Bill, I feel obliged to say that our progress with the Amendments has perhaps not been quite as rapid as we had hoped. Your Lordships know, because the time-table was generally agreed upon, that we must conclude the Committee stage of this Bill to-morrow (Wednesday). I hope that this will not involve a very late sitting, but that of course will depend upon the progress that we make this afternoon. We have four hours before us because it has been agreed through the usual channels that we should adjourn to-day as soon after half-past six as may be convenient. I feel sure that if we make as good a use as possible of this time to-day we shall find it by no means impossible to complete the Committee stage at a reasonable hour to-morrow. I know I may count upon your Lordships to co-operate with me to this end.

I should remind your Lordships that the Report stage of the Bill will be taken on Monday and, if necessary, on Tuesday of next week, and that any Amendments which your Lordships may wish to put down for consideration on that stage should be handed in at the Table not later than five o'clock on Friday afternoon next, the 25th.


My Lords, I must protest against that course. Manuscript Amendments can be moved on Report stage.

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