HL Deb 20 March 1946 vol 140 c296

5.31 p.m.


My Lords, I beg to ask the question standing in my name.

[The question was as follows:

To ask His Majesty's Government whether in view of the situation that up to the 14th January, 1946, out of 9,411 ex-officers registered with Appointments Centres only 1,260 had been placed in employment, they are taking any and, if so, what steps to produce more satisfactory results.]


My Lords, an efficient organization, fully staffed and trained, has been built up and the most active steps are being taken by means of personal canvassing and a special publicity campaign to bring the Appointments Service to the notice of employers. As a result I am glad to say that the figures of placings show a steady upward trend. At 11th February, 1946, 8,944 ex-officers were registered as unemployed at Appointments Offices, a reduction of 467 compared with the position at 14th January, while the number placed in employment amounted to 1,718, an increase of 458.

I am hopeful that this improvement will continue at an accelerating rate, but future progress is dependent on the increased notification by employers of suitable vacancies. The Appointments Offices can only submit ex-officers for existing or prospective vacancies of which they have knowledge and I would urge employers to assist in the resettlement of ex-officers by notifying their vacancies to the fullest extent to the Appointments Offices.