HL Deb 23 July 1946 vol 142 cc873-4

I beg to ask the question standing in my name.

[The question was as follows:

To ask His Majesty's Government to take steps to provide some form of illumination for the War Memorial, 1914 –1918, situated in the Royal Gallery.]


My Lords, as the noble Lord will probably have noticed, full lighting has been restored in the Royal Gallery since Saturday last, and I hope he will agree that the War Memorial is now satisfactorily illuminated.


My Lords, may I say that I am personally grateful for what has been done, because it has relieved the abysmal gloom in the Royal Gallery, and in view of the fact that many young children are now paying visits here it is well that they should see it at its best. Might I ask this supplementary question? Has the noble Lord noticed that the Book of Remembrance is in front of the plinth of the memorial? Could he see that the cabinet is removed to its former place on the right of the Memorial so that in future the whole of the Memorial can be seen in its proper proportion?


I will bring the suggestion of the noble Lord to the attention of the Minister of Works, who I am sure will consult the proper authorities of the House on the matter.

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