HL Deb 11 July 1946 vol 142 c402

Before the House adjourns, I should like to announce that, in order to provide more time for the business that will be before the House on Tuesday next, which will be, I expect, the Second Reading of the Civil Aviation Bill, it has been arranged through the usual channels that we should meet at half-past eleven on Tuesday morning instead of the usual time in the afternoon.

The LORD CHANCELLOR acquainted the House that the Clerk of the Parliaments had laid on the Table the Certificate from the Examiners that the Standing Orders applicable to the following Bill have been complied with:

Ministry of Health Provisional Order (Wallasey),

and also the Certificate that no Standing Orders are applicable to the following Bill:

Ministry of Health Provisional Order (Norwich).

The same were ordered to lie on the Table.

House adjourned at twenty-five minutes past seven o'clock.