HL Deb 10 July 1946 vol 142 cc317-8

LORD HAZLERIGG asked His Majesty's Government—

(1) For what reason it is proposed to transfer upwards of 200 Irishmen to the army camp in the middle of the village of Newtown Linford, Leicestershire, which was requisitioned by the War Department as an army camp, and which has since been transferred from the War Department to the Ministry of Works.

(2)Whether these Irishmen are to be employed in the gypsum mines, the nearest of which are situate at East Leake or Gotham in Nottinghamshire, a distance of some twenty-five miles from Newtown Linford, and whether it is not possible for these men to be accommodated in a camp nearer their work.

(3)Whether in view of the alleged acute shortage of petrol in the country it is considered advisable for these men to be transferred by road to and from their work each day in vehicles, which will have to cover at least fifty miles on each return journey.

(4)Whether any, and if so what, precautions will be taken to prevent these men from trespassing in Bradgate Park which is held upon trust for the public of the county and the city as a permanent open space.

(5) Who will be responsible for the damage, if any, caused by these men to the timber and undergrowth in the Park, to the amenities of the estate, and to the deer and other animals, birds, game and conies who find a natural sanctuary in the grounds.

(6) Lastly, why is it considered necessary to use the services of 200 Irishmen when, according to all accounts, there is a very large number of unemployed ex-Servicemen in the country to whom this work could be offered.

LORD HENDERSON: The answers to the six sections of the question are as follows:

(1) These workers are urgently required to assist in the production of salt glazed pipes and gypsum which are in short supply.

(2) The bulk of the workers at Newtown Linford will be engaged on salt glazed pipe production at Swadlingcote. Gypsum mine workers from Gotham will, in general, be accommodated at Bunny in close proximity to their work. The overflow at Bunny will be accommodated, for the time being, at Newtown Linford. Every effort is being made to obtain nearer accommodation. Newtown Linford is 18 miles from Gotham and 16 miles from Swadlingcote.

(3) Road is the only practical means of transport.

(4) The camp at Newtown Linford is bounded by hedges and fences and is separated from Bradgate Park by several fields. As Bradgate Park is open to the general public no question of trespassing by the residents in the camp would appear to arise.

(5) Residents of the camp using the Park are subject to the normal police control exercised over all users and there is no reason to assume that any special precautions are necessary. If they should prove to be necessary the matter is one for the local police authorities.

(6) Irish labour was recruited only after all possible steps had been taken to secure British labour, but without success.

House adjourned at two minutes before four o'clock.