HL Deb 11 December 1946 vol 144 cc850-2

My Lords, I beg to move that the House do now adjourn.

Moved, That the House do now adjourn.—(Lord Walkden.)


My Lords, I would ask your Lordships' permission to make a statement on the appointment of the Chairman. Vice-Chairman and Governors of the British Broadcasting Corporation. Sir Allan Powell, the Chairman of the Board of Governors of the British Broadcasting Corporation, and Mr. C. H. G. Millis, the Vice-Chairman, have asked to be relieved of their offices when the present Charter expires on December 31. I should perhaps explain that when they were reappointed for a second term, it was on the understanding that the position would be reviewed at the end of the war, and they both made it known to the Government that they were ready to retire at any time. The Government are grateful to them for continuing to serve for a few months after the Board was reconstituted earlier in the year, in order that the new Governors might have the advantage of their wide knowledge and experience. I should like, on behalf of His Majesty's Government, to express appreciation of the public spirit which they have shown in this connexion, as well as of the great services which they have rendered during their long periods of office, and, in particular, of their contribution to the splendid war record of the B.B.C.

The King has been pleased to approve the appointment of Lord Inman as Chairman for a period of five years from January 1 next, and of Lady Reading as Vice-Chairman for four years from the same date. His Majesty has also approved the reappointment of the other existing Governors for further periods of from three to four years, and the appointment of Mr. John Adamson, the Chartered Accountant, to the vacancy caused by Lady Reading's appointment as Vice-Chairman. The purpose of spreading the retiring dates over a period is to avoid a situation in which the terms of office of all or most of the Governors would expire at about the same time, and the Government thought that the least invidious method would be that the Governors should retire in the same order as they were appointed. I need hardly say that this decision implies no reflection whatsoever upon the Governors who are being

Date of original appointment Period of appointment or renewal of appointment as from 1st January, 1947.
Lord Inman (Chairman) 1st January 1947 5 years
Lady Reading (Vice-Chairman) 25th April 1946 4 years
Miss Barbara Ward 4th April 1946 3 years
Air Marshal Sir R. H. Peck 4th April 1946 3 years
The Rt. Hon. Geoffrey W. Lloyd 5th April 1946 3 years
Mr. Ernest whitfield 22nd July 1946 4 years
Mr. John Adamson 1st January 1947 5 years

On Question Motion agreed to.

reappointed for less than five years. I will circulate the details in the Official Report.

Following are the details to which the noble Earl referred:

House adjourned at eighteen minutes past seven o'clock.