HL Deb 20 November 1945 vol 137 cc1058-9

5.10 p.m.


My Lords, I beg to ask the question standing in my name.

[The question was as follows:

To ask His Majesty's Government whether their attention has been called to newspaper and radio publicity in the United States of America on 9th and l0th November last given to the dispatch of the American newspaper correspondent Poulos from Jerusalem alleging the arming of the Arabs in Palestine by the Mandatory authority and of permission having been given to the terrorist leader Abdullah Kalil to return to Palestine with promises of arms and money; and similar scandalous allegations; and what steps have been taken, or are being taken, to deny such reports in the United States of America and to clear the good name of His Majesty's officials in Palestine.]


My Lords, the attention of His Majesty's Government has already been drawn to the statement circulated in the United States to which the noble Lord refers. There is no truth whatever in this absurd and malicious report; and the Government are glad of the opportunity to deny it. Abdullah Khalil, who is mentioned in the statement, appears to be a fictitious character, invented for the purpose of this report. No person of that name is traceable by the authorities in Palestine. As regards denial of the report in the United States, His Majesty's Ambassador at Washington is being asked to take such action as he may think fit.


I am much obliged to my noble friend for the explanation.