HL Deb 14 November 1945 vol 137 cc955-6

6.59 p.m.


My Lords, in rising to move the Motion which stands on the Order Paper in my name, I will explain to your Lordships that we are moving it simply and solely because we have been asked by the leaders of the Opposition in this House to return to the more easy method of debate and discussion in Committee rather than to adopt the more difficult method of the Third Reading. I am very willing to meet them, because I feel this. We have got a Bill. None of us like it very much, but we all recognize that such a Bill is necessary and we are all contributing to making it is good as we can. I am most anxious that with a Bill of this sort the floodgates of eloquence will not be let loose once more. I hope it will be the case that we shall adopt the advice of the Leader of the House to-day and try to get through the business as speedily as we can.

Moved, That the Order of the Day of Thursday last for the Third Reading be discharged, and that the Bill be recommitted to a Committee of the Whole House to-morrow.—(The Lord Chancellor.)


My Lords, I think the whole House will be grateful to the noble and learned Lord for this extremely practical proposal. I am sure it is to the convenience of the House that this Bill should be recommitted to a Committee of the Whole House, when, I am certain, our observations will be as brief and pertinent as we can make them.

On Question, Motion agreed to, and ordered accordingly.

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