HL Deb 14 November 1945 vol 137 cc877-8

2.45 p.m.


My Lords, I should like to take this opportunity of informing the House that we propose to meet next Tuesday, November 20, at two o'clock, in order to arrange for the introduction of four new Peers without encroaching upon the time of the House for dealing with the various Notices on the Order Paper for that afternoon. The business on the Order Paper, other than the introductions, will be entered upon at the customary hour of meeting—namely, half-past two o'clock. I hope that your Lordship will agree to this arrangement. It is, I find, in line with the old arrangements for the meeting of this House before the war, when the House met earlier on Wednesdays to give time for introductions without encroaching on the time available for debate.

Your Lordships will perhaps also forgive me if I draw your attention to the fact that a great number of noble Lords are wishful to speak on the two principal Motions before the House to-day. I hope you will not think that I am exceeding my authority if I suggest that our speeches should be as brief as possible.