HL Deb 12 December 1945 vol 138 cc601-2

My Lords, it will doubtless be for your Lordships' convenience if I take this, the earliest opportunity open to me of informing the House of the likely course of our business next week before we go into Recess over Christmas. It now appears as if we shall require both Monday and Tuesday next week for the important debate on the Financial Agreement with the United States of America, and the Bretton Woods Bill. This means that we must postpone the Second Reading of the Finance Bill, which is coming up to us this afternoon from another place, until Wednesday, on which day we shall also take the Second Reading of the Dock Workers (Regulation of Employment) Bill, which is already on the Order Paper for that afternoon. We shall hope to take the Report and Third Reading stages of the Building Materials and Housing, and Elections and jurors Bills next Monday afternoon after the adjournment of the debate on the Financial Agreement, in order to send them back with Amendments to another place. I am afraid that all this means that there will be very little if any time for the Motions now standing on the Paper for Tuesday arid Wednesday next. I am sure the noble Lords who may suffer deprivation will forgive me. I am afraid that the slaughter of innocents is a regular feature of the last week before the Recess, whatever Government may be power. We shall hope to have the Royal Commission on Thursday before luncheon, and adjourn for the Recess until January 22.