HL Deb 03 October 1944 vol 133 cc309-10

My Lords, I beg to ask the question which stands in the name of my noble friend Lord Ammon.

[The question was as follows:

To ask His Majesty's Government whether there have been any recent discussions between the Governments of Great Britain and Newfoundland as to the future of Newfoundland; and, if so, what decisions were reached.]


My Lords, the noble Lord, Lord Ammon, I am sure, realizes the position, but since his question is framed in somewhat wide terms, I should perhaps make it clear that no decisions have yet been taken with regard to the future of Newfoundland, since in accordance with the declared policy of His Majesty's Government this will be for the Newfoundland people to examine and decide for themselves. As has already been announced, it is the intention of His Majesty's Government that as soon as practicable after the end of the war in Europe, machinery should be provided to enable the Newfoundland people to carry out this examination and express their considered views, and it was primarily for the purpose of discussing the form which this machinery might best take that I recently invited three members of the Commission of Government to come to this country for consultation. The three Commissioners, Sir John Puddester, Sir Edward Emerson and Mr. Dunn, arrived here in August with this object, and joined with me in what I think I may say were a most useful series of discussions. At the same time the opportunity was taken of considering with the Commissioners the main lines on which the Newfoundland Government are working in framing their general reconstruction policy.

Since the Commissioners returned home, I have been in further consultation with the Governor and with the Commission of Government as a whole, and, whilst there is nothing further which I can at present add to the remarks which I made in the course of the debate in this House on May 3, I hope that I may he able to make a full statement on the Newfoundland position at an early date.