HL Deb 20 July 1944 vol 132 c1040

My Lords, I beg to ask the question standing in my name.

[The question was as follows:

To ask His Majesty's Government, whether it is true that there is a design to erect buildings of a commercial character in a position which will interfere with a well-known beautiful view of Durham Cathedral; and what steps if any they propose to take to prevent this being done.]


My Lords, in April of this year my right honourable friend the Minister of Town and Country Planning, in pursuance of his statutory power, directed the Durham District Council, the interim development authority, to refer to him for decision any application which the North Eastern Electric Company Limited might make for consent to the erection of buildings or the use of land in their area for the purpose of an electricity generating station. The company has now made such an application, and it has accordingly been referred to my right honourable friend. He will consider the danger of interference with the views of Durham Cathedral and all other relevant matters before he takes a decision, and I understand from him that he will not grant the application without holding a local inquiry.