HL Deb 20 December 1944 vol 134 cc425-30

12.10 p.m.


My Lords, I wish to put the following question of which I have given private notice: To ask His Majesty's Government whether they have any statement to make on the visit recently made by the Earl of Munster to the India and South-East Asia Commands with a view to reporting on the welfare arrangements and amenities provided for Service personnel in those Commands.


My Lords, I am very grateful to the noble Lord for giving me this opportunity to make a statement, I fear at some length. Noble Lords have very properly been concerned about the welfare of our Forces serving in the Far East. The Service Departments and in particular the War Office, who have the greatest interest in this subject, have for many months made preparations in conjunction with the Government of India for the reception of the great Forces which are assembled in the Far-Eastern theatre, and not least among their activities has been the provision of such stores and equipment as may be necessary on a reasonable basis for the well-being arid contentment of those Forces. But the time has now come when the influence of the Government machine as a whole, civil as well as military, must be brought to bear upon this important question. As the House will be aware, I recently made a tour of India and the Burma Front for the purpose of examining the situation on the spot and reporting to the Government about the improvements which are required. My Report is being published as a White Paper and will be available to noble Lords during the course of the afternoon.

My Report calls attention to a number of matters in which I consider improvement is urgently required. At the same time I have endeavoured to point out the difficulties which have had to be faced by the authorities charged with these matters, and I hope my Report may be considered as a fair picture of the situation. It is important, in arriving at a judgment on these matters, to realize that the task of providing suitable amenities for troops serving in the East is far more intricate and harder than for troops serving in European conditions. The great spaces to be covered, the lack of ordinary European amenities of life anywhere but in large towns, and the small numbers of European women who can devote their services voluntarily to the provision of amenities, are great handicaps. The Government of India since 1942 have had to receive a very large increase in the number of European troops in India, and their resources have been strained to the utmost to provide accommodation and to fulfil military construction programmes essential for operations. I am satisfied that a great deal has been done to improve and expand welfare facilities for the British Forces but clearly more can be achieved if additional resources and personnel can be provided from outside India.

His Majesty's Government will apply themselves energetically to this problem and the Government of India and the South-East Asia Commands have already been asked for a detailed statement of the help they require to make good the deficiencies in the welfare field to which I have drawn attention in my Report. One of our first concerns is naturally the welfare of the sick and wounded and I have visited no fewer than 34 hospitals in the course of my tour. I am glad to say that I was satisfied that the medical facilities are maintained at a high standard of efficiency in spite of the administrative difficulties of an extended front and poor communications. Nevertheless, I have drawn attention to certain shortages of medical personnel in India. These are the reflection of general shortages. Every effort will be made to improve the position but the Government have, of course, to pay regard to the many other claims, both civilian and Service, on the available supply of doctors and nurses. I am glad to report that consideration is being given urgently to my proposal that further members of the Voluntary Aid Detachment should be sent out to India.

In some directions it will not be possible to achieve what we desire until the defeat of Germany enables greater resources to be diverted to the East, but plans have been made and directions are being given so that when these greater resources become available they can be diverted without loss of time to the amelioration of the conditions of service of the men and women of the Services and the Merchant Navy who are called upon to continue the fight against Japan. At that stage a greater volume of air transport will become available. This will render practicable improvement in the facilities for the conveyance of fresh food and other comforts to the troops in the Far East and also the movement of men on urgent compassionate leave and, to some extent, on ordinary leave from the front. It will also make possible wider use of air transport for the evacuation of casualties and the improvement of the transport of mails. I am glad to say that a plan is being prepared under which the rapidity of mails can be progressively improved and the charges reduced. The immediate target is to carry by air all letter mail to the Forces and it is hoped to achieve this early in 1945.

I have drawn attention in my Report to the inadequacy of accommodation in leave centres and static camps in the Far-Eastern theatre, and a thorough revision of the present scales of accommodation and amenities of these centres and camps has already been ordered. Attention is also being given to the adoption of modern methods of construction, the extension of fly-proofing of buildings, and the provision of greater quantities of modern appurtenances, including refrigerators, shower baths and good furniture. These improvements will proceed as far as our resources permit. Special attention is also being given to the provision of a varied diet and up-to-date hygienic systems of preparing and cooking food. I am glad to say that measures are being taken as a matter of urgency which will, in due course, improve the supplies of beer available for the Forces in India. I am satisfied that Indian production of beer has already been expanded to the fullest possible extent which is practicable without the import of raw materials and plant, but it is hoped that it will be possible to increase further both imported supplies and Indian production. Arrangements are also well advanced to produce in India cigarettes of a type more palatable to British troops and trial brands have already been issued with a view to large-scale production when it is known which type is preferred by the men.

I found in the course of my tour shortages of cinema apparatus and wireless equipment, but I am glad to say that measures are in hand to accelerate the provision of this equipment, most of which, incidentally, can only be obtained from the United States. The value of the work done by British women for the wellbeing of the troops in India, has been proved. Steps are now being taken to encourage more British women, both those who are resident in India now and volun- teers from home, to undertake this important and valuable contribution to the welfare of the troops. As noble Lords are probably aware, canteen services are not the responsibility of N.A.A.F.I. in India. but the Government of India are taking special steps to improve and enlarge local organization.

It has been decided that special consideration will be given to Service men and their families in assessing priorities for the allotment of houses and furniture after the war. The wives and families of Service men engaged in the Far-Eastern theatre will, of course, share in this preferential treatment. In order that Service men overseas may keep abreast of important developments in social policy at home, pamphlets explaining new legislation or methods on matters of major importance will be prepared and distributed to Service men and merchant seamen. The House will probably have observed that in recent months a good deal more attention has been paid by the general public in this country to the efforts and achievements of our men in the Far East. The Ministry of Information and other authorities concerned recognize that this sympathetic interest must be fed by a service of reliable information as to all that goes on there. Both the authorities at home and those in control of information on the spot will continue their efforts to maintain and improve the sources of such a service. Although no mention is made in my Report, I have drawn the Prime Minister's attention to the uncertainty which prevails in the minds of many of the men on the subject of the length of time for which they will be required to serve in the East, and my right honourable friend is making a statement of some length concerning this subject.

Noble Lords should know that His Majesty's Government are paying constant attention to the needs of the men and women serving in the Far East. The Prime Minister has issued instructions to those concerned on the spot and to Departments here that, in relation to operational needs, a higher priority must be given to the requirements for welfare and amenities for the Forces in the Far East than hitherto. He has also, at the desire of the Secretary of State for War, appointed Lieutenant-General King to be his personal representative in the India and South-East Asia Commands for welfare matters. It will be General King's duty to ascertain how matters are progressing and to report on difficulties which may arise and on the assistance which is required from this country. He will also be concerned with the welfare of all three Services and the Merchant Navy and will have a staff suitably composed for that purpose. The rapidity with which improvements can be effected must to a large extent depend on the progress of the war in Europe, but we shall press on in the meantime with measures for which our resources are available.

Finally, I should like to express my sincere thanks to the Viceroy, Lord Wavell, to the Commander-in-Chief, General Sir Claude Auchinleck, to the Supreme Allied Commander, Lord Louis Mountbatten, and to all other ranks who were ready and prepared to assist me in my inquiry and answer my searching questions. I could not let this opportunity pass without telling your Lordships of the great personal interest which my right honourable friend the Prime Minister has taken in this subject. Throughout the whole course of my tour in India and Burma, I was in constant touch with my right honourable friend and I am deeply grateful for the assistance he has given me and for his kindness in sending me on this important and interesting journey.


My Lords, I should like to thank the noble Earl for his very full reply. We are, of course, all looking forward to the White Paper that has been promised for this afternoon. I think it likely that when we have seen the White Paper we shall wish to discuss it in the new year. I am sure that the Forces in the Far East will be deeply indebted to the noble Earl for the inquiry which he has made and the results that will flow from it.