HL Deb 01 August 1944 vol 133 c11

Page 55, line 18, at end, insert new clause:

Pupils to be educated in accordance with wishes of parents. (". In the exercise and performance of all powers and duties conferred and imposed on them by this Act the Minister and local education authorities shall have regard to the general principle that so far as is compatible with the provision of efficient instruction and training and the avoidance of unreasonable public expenditure pupils are to be educated in accordance with the wishes of their parents.")

The Commons agree to the above Amendment and have made the following consequential Amendments to the Bill:

Page 50, line 26, leave out ("person") and insert ("pupil"); line 29, leave out ("person") and insert ("pupil"); line 30, leave out ("person") and insert ("pupil").


My Lords the next Amendment at page 55, line 18, concerns a clause which we put in on the Motion of my noble friend Lord Rankeillour, laying it down that the wishes of parents are to be given effect to, so far as conditions permit, throughout the Bill. There was however one consequential Amendment that was necessary which was overlooked in your Lordships' House. That consequential Amendment has been made in another place, changing the word "person" to "pupil" in three cases on page 50. I hope your Lordships will agree to that.

Moved, That this House doth agree with the Commons in the said Amendments.—(The Earl of Selborne.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.