HL Deb 03 November 1943 vol 129 cc522-3

My Lords, in moving the adjournment of the House, I should like to say that it had been expected that two Bills to which your Lordships were to be asked to give a Second Reading on the next sitting day would be received from another place to-day. It seems doubtful, however, whether they will be ready for your Lordship before the adjournment today, and I therefore suggest that a Motion should be put upon the Paper to suspend Standing Order No. XXXIX for the next sitting of your Lordships' House. I beg to move that the House do now adjourn.

Moved, That the House do now adjourn.—(Lord Snell.)


My Lords, on that, may I ask, for information, what is involved?


It will mean taking the First and Second Readings together, on the next sitting day.

On Question, Motion agreed to.

House adjourned.