HL Deb 25 November 1942 vol 125 cc223-4

My Lords, I think your Lordships will wish me to say a word on the loss which the Palace of Westminster has sustained by the sudden death of Mr. Hoffman, who had been Superintendent of Works at Westminster since 1935 and was promoted to be an assistant surveyor in the Ministry of Works in October last year. Though not directly an official of the House many of us have reason to remember the willing and prompt assistance which he rendered when the Palace suffered serious damage in air raids, and the readiness he always showed to meet any individual requests of those whose work in the building brought them into contact with him. He played no small part in the preparation and arrangement of the Chamber in which your Lordships now sit and which, I believe, has met with very general approval. His quiet efficiency and invariable courtesy were qualities which distinguished an able craftsman. I think your Lordships would wish me to have a message of sympathy sent to his widow.


My Lords, on behalf of my noble friends I wish to say that we desire most heartily to associate ourselves with the suggestion of the noble Viscount the Leader of the House.


My Lords, I should like on behalf of those who sit on these Benches to express our full agreement with all that has already been said in regard to the late Mr. Holman. I knew both him and his admirable predecessor, Mr. Wilson, who for many years served the Palace of Westminster. I can testify that Mr. Holman was the worthy successor of a very able public servant.


My Lords, I hope I may be forgiven for adding a single sentence. It so happens that in recent weeks I have seen at first hand a good deal of the late Mr. Holman's work in connexion with some arrangements that were being made in this building, and I would only say that the State could not have lost a more devoted, a more single-minded and a more courteous public servant.

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