HL Deb 18 February 1942 vol 121 c924

My Lords, I beg to ask the third question standing in my name.

[The question was as follows:

To ask His Majesty's Government whether, with the view of promoting economy in man-power, men serving in the Army are now subjected to an intelligence test designed to ascertain their suitability for employment in specialized branches of the Services; and, if so, whether this test is applied to all ranks including members of the staff engaged in duties at the War Office and other similar military establishments.]


My Lords, a selection test is now being given to all men joining the Army at the time of their civil medical examination, as a guide to the posting of men to more specialized Corps. Further selection tests are given to recruits on joining their training units, in order to assist Commanding Officers in selecting men for training as potential tradesmen or specialists. In both cases the tests are followed by an interview before a definite recommendation is made. As regards personnel already serving in the Army, selection tests are given to the personnel of certain units which are being converted to a more specialized arm of the Service, as a guide to Commanding Officers in selecting the men suitable for training in the new role. When applied to the units being converted, the selection tests have been given to ail ranks. They have not been applied to members of the staff engaged in duties at the War Office and other similar military establishments. Experiments are at present being carried out to evolve an improved procedure, which will include selection tests, for the selection of potential officers.