HL Deb 03 December 1942 vol 125 c373

My Lords, I would ask your Lordships to allow me to make a personal explanation and also, as a matter of public urgency, to correct one statement which I made in speaking yesterday on the Motion moved by the noble Lord, Lord Addison. In the course of pointing out that not all of the Allies have the same list of enemies—which is, of course, the fact, for Soviet Russia and Japan are not at war with one another—I said that China was not at war with Germany and Italy. I wish at once to correct what would be a misapprehension. China declared war on Germany and Italy in December, 1941, immediately after the declaration of war on Japan by ourselves and by the United States of America. The more important part in my argument was, of course, that Russia and China, who are contiguous Powers, are not both at war with Japan; but the other statement was an error which I must at once put right, for there is nothing to which His Majesty's Government attach more importance in their close relations with China than that that country and ourselves are standing together against the same list of foes. I am obliged to your Lordships for allowing me to make that correction immediately.


My Lords, arising out of that, will a communication be made to the Ambassador of the Chinese Republic explaining the mistake, lest China may feel that insufficient care and attention are paid to the marvellous war effort which she is making?


My Lords, I really think that that goes without saying. The object of my making the statement immediately is, of course, in order publicly to correct the mistake here, and at the same time it will be dealt with through the proper channels.

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