HL Deb 12 November 1941 vol 121 cc1-2

The KING being seated on the Throne, and the Commons being at the Bar with their Speaker, His Majesty was pleased to make a most gracious Speech to both Houses of Parliament, and then retired.

His Majesty's Speech was as follows:

My Lords and Members of the House of Commons,

" The developments of the past year have strengthened the resolution of My Peoples and of My Allies to prosecute this war against aggression until final victory. Meanwhile, My Government, in consultation with the Allied Governments, and with the good will of the Government of the United States of America, are considering the urgent problems which will face them when the nations now enduring the tyranny of the oppressor have regained their freedom.

" I well know that My People will continue to respond whole-heartedly to the great demands made upon them to furnish My Forces with the instruments of victory, and that they are determined to meet, to the utmost of their power, the needs of the Soviet Union in its heroic conflict.

" The United States are furnishing My Peoples and My Allies with war supplies of all kinds on a scale unexampled in history.

" My relations with Turkey with whom I have a valued treaty of alliance, remain firmly based on trust and friendship.

" I welcome the restoration to his Throne of His Majesty the Emperor of Ethiopia. Thus, the first country which fell a victim to aggression has been the first to be liberated and re-established.

" My loyal subjects in Malta continue to face air attack with a fortitude that commands My deepest admiration.

" Members of the House of Commons,

" You will be asked to make further financial provision for the conduct of the war.

" My Lords and Members of the House of Commons,

" The fulfilment of the task to which we are committed will call for the unsparing effort of every one of us. I am confident that My People will answer this call with the courage and devotion which our forefathers never failed to show when our country was in danger.

" My Government will continue to take all practical steps to sustain the health and well-being of My People under the stress of war.

" And I pray that Almighty God may give His blessing to your counsels."

House adjourned during pleasure.

House resumed, The LORD CHANCELLOR on the Woolsack.