HL Deb 10 June 1941 vol 119 cc347-8

Clause 18, page 19, line 41, leave out from ("order") to ("any") in line 43 and insert ("varies under Section six or Section seven of this Act the terms of")

Clause 18, page 19, line 43, after ("lease") insert ("or")

Clause 18, page 19, line 43, leave out from ("mortgage") to ("the") in line 44.

Clause 18, page 19, line 45, after ("lease") insert ("or")

Clause 18, page 19, line 45, leave out ("or contract")

Clause 18, page 19, line 46, leave out ("him") and insert ("the debtor")

Clause 18, page 19, line 46, leave out from ("surety") to ("for") in line 47.

Clause 18, page 20, line 3, leave out ("such person") and insert ("person who is a surety or in the nature of a surety for the debtor or is jointly bound with him")

Clause 18, page 20, line 4, leave out ("him") and insert ("any such person")

Clause 21, page 21, line 12, leave out ("liabilities adjustment") and insert ("protection")

Clause 21, page 21, line 20, leave out ("shall")


My Lords, that brings me to Clause 18 at the foot of page 3, where again I must just offer a word of exposition. If your Lord-ships will turn to the text of the Bill you will see that in Clause 18, at the bottom of page 19, the provision which is there made is applied to lease, mortgage and contract. The main effect of the Amendment which has been made in the Commons is to leave out "contract" and apply the clause only to the lease or the mortgage. It is a somewhat technical matter which I will explain at greater length if desired. The point is that there is really no direct advantage in including the case of contract, and the necessary protection of the debtor with fair terms for the creditor will be just as well secured if that reference is omitted. Other Amendments follow, Clause 18, page 19, line 45, leave out "or contract," being the main one. I think your Lordships may safely take it that the changes on page 20 and to Clause 21, on page 21, are purely drafting changes. I therefore beg to move that this House agrees with the Commons in making those Amendments.

Moved, That this House doth agree with the Commons in the said Amendments.—(The Lord Chancellor.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.