HL Deb 22 October 1940 vol 117 cc559-60

My Lords, I do not want to take up your Lordships' time for more than a moment or two, but perhaps I ought to say a word on the object of the Committee that I am venturing to ask your Lordships to set up. It will be remembered that we have had one or two discussions—one which was initiated by a Motion on the Paper, another which arose informally in regard to procedure, and I think the matter had been mentioned before that. It arose mainly out of the use of starred questions, which have now become much more frequent than they were before the war, and the regulation of such questions. I think that it was my noble friend Lord Addison who suggested that this matter might be given careful consideration and, when the subject was considered, it seemed to us desirable to frame the terms of reference to provide a rather larger scope, so that any or all questions which might occur to members of the Committee—which, as your Lordships will see, is intended to be a very large and representative one—might be discussed and recommendations made to your Lordships either for the amendment of the Standing Orders or for some other method, such as the alteration of the Companion to the Standing Orders. I therefore beg to move the Motion which stands in my name.

Moved, That a Select Committee be appointed to consider whether alterations in the procedure of this House are advisable in the existing circumstances and, if so, whether the Standing Orders do or do not require to be altered for that purpose, and that the Lords following with the Chairman of Committees be named of the Select Committee:


My Lords, I only want to say from our side that we cordially support the Motion.

On Question, Motion agreed to, and ordered accordingly.