HL Deb 12 November 1940 vol 117 c667

LORD ADDISOIN had given Notice that he would ask His Majesty's Government whether they are prepared to publish the Report of Lord Holder's Committee on air-raid shelters and to state what steps it is proposed to take to safeguard public health for people using them; and move for Papers. The noble Lord said: My Lords, I think that, in fairness to some of your Lordships who, I know, have attended here to-day especially to discuss the matter which I intended to raise, I should explain why I do not intend to move my Motion now. Yesterday I received a message from the Minister of Health in which he informed me that it was proposed during the current week to publish the recommendations of Lord Horder's Committee, and I hope other papers, although I am not clear about that. I was requested to consider whether we could not adjourn the discussion for a week in view of that fact. We shall, of course, necessarily be in a better position to discuss the matter when we have more information as to the precise character of the recommendations of Lord Horder's Committee. I express the hope also that in due course we may see their Report. It is undeniable that in these circumstances it would be more convenient and more wise to hold this debate at another time. I am sorry that it was quite impossible—because I was not myself informed about this until yesterday evening—to give notice to those who I know are interested in this subject, but in the circumstances I hope that your Lordships will agree to my not moving the Motion now. I am informed that it is hoped that time will be found for it a week to-day.