HL Deb 23 May 1940 vol 116 c438

7.9 p.m.


Will the noble Earl, Lord Lucan, be good enough to say whether he can give us any information about the business of the House next week?


My Lords, I am much obliged to my noble friend for asking that question. On Tuesday the business is that on the Paper—namely, the Committee stages of two Scottish Bills and the Third Reading of another Bill. On Wednesday there is no business on the Paper at present, but there will probably be two introductions on that day and the House will meet as usual. On Thursday the Duke of Montrose has a Motion on the Paper on the shortage of agricultural labour. In addition to this the National Loans Bill, a Bill to extend the Government's borrowing powers, is expected from another place late on Wednesday next. I am afraid it will be necessary to ask your Lordships to pass this Bill as a matter of urgency through all stages at the sitting on Thursday, but as in the case of the two Bills dealt with to-day steps will be taken to circulate the Bill in the form in which it was presented to the House of Commons in order to give your Lordships an opportunity of studying its provisions before you have to deal with them. The House will meet each day at four o'clock.

House adjourned at eleven minutes past seven o'clock.