HL Deb 14 December 1939 vol 115 cc293-4

Order of the Day for the consideration of the First Report from the Select Committee react.

The Report was as follows:

1.—Estimate. The Estimate for the House of Lords Offices for the year 1940–41 was laid before the Committee and approved

2.—Sub-Committees. The Sub-Committee on the Refreshment Department was re-appointed as follows:—The Earl of Lucan, the Lord Hare (Earl of Listowel), the Lord Stanmore, the Lord Jessel, the Lord Atkin, tile Lord Ponsonby of Shulbrede, with the Lord Great Chamberlain, with the Clerk of the Parliaments. The Library Sub-Committee was reappointed as follows:—The Marquess of Crewe, the Earl of Ilchester, the Earl Baldwin of Beadley, the Lord Wigan (Earl Crawford), the Lord Stanmore, the Lord Atkin, the Lord Macmillan, the Lord Ponsonby of Shulbrede, with the Clerk of the Parliaments.

3.—Serjeant-at-Arms. The Committee sanctioned an amount to be paid to the Serjeant-at-Arms during his period of active service with His Majesty's Forces.

4.—Reporting Staff. The Committee considered the application of Mr. A. W. Grant of the Reporting Staff for consideration on his retirement after 22 years service. The Committee were of opinion that the conditions which regulate the remuneration of the reporting staff of the House of Lords should have been reconsidered in 1929 when those regulating the Reporting Staff of the House of Commons were reviewed and that the reporting staff of the House of Lords should be placed on the Establishment as from 1st September, 1939, and that a pension should be awarded to Mr. Grant accordingly.

5.—Retirement of Principal Doorkeeper. The Committee sanctioned a pension and additional allowance calculated under the Superannuation Act, 1909, to William Douglas Young, Second Principal Door-keeper, who retires on 24th December, 1939, after 24 years service.

6.—Custodian Staff. The Committee sanctioned

  1. (1) a compassionate grant to Mrs. Walton, widow of R. E. Walton, Custodian, who died on 26th September, 1939, after 20 years service as Night Watchman and Custodian;
  2. (2) a payment in respect of the balance of civil pay to Mrs. Stone, wife of Custodian E. A. E. Stone;
  3. (3) an increase in the rates of pay.

7.—Additional Housemaid. The Committee sanctioned the appointment of an additional housemaid for the cleaning of A.R.P. refuge rooms.

8.—Staff serving with His Majesty's Forces. The Committee sanctioned the application of Treasury Circular 13/39 to all members of the staff serving with His Majesty's Forces.

4.56 p.m.


My Lords, I beg to move that the first Report of the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices be now considered and agreed to. I do not think that there is really very much to which to call your Lordships' attention in the Report. The estimates were laid before the Committee and approved. The Sub-Committees were appointed and the pay of the Serjeant-at-Arms was considered. The only thing I think I need mention is Item 4, concerning the Reporting Staff. In 1929 a Committee sat to report upon the salaries and so forth of the Reporting Staff in another place, and it was agreed that they should be placed upon the Establishment. That was not done in your Lordships' House. I do not know why; but it is now recommended, and I believe all the authorities have agreed, that this should be remedied and that the Reporting Staff of your Lordships' House should be placed upon the same footing as that of another place. The other items, I think, are not important, and your Lordships will be able to see from the Paper what they portend. No. 8 is simply accepting the arrangement for the salaries of members of the staff of your Lordships' House joining the Forces. I do not think there is anything else, but of course I shall be very glad to answer any questions which your Lordships may ask. I beg to move.

Moved, That the Report be now considered and agreed to.—(The Earl of Onslow.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.