HL Deb 08 March 1938 vol 108 cc5-6

Order of the Day for receiving the Report of Amendments read.


My Lords, I beg to move that the Report of Amendments be now received.

Moved, That the Report of Amendments be now received.—(Lord Merthyr.)


My Lords, on the Committee stage of this Bill I brought forward an Amendment designed to allow the importation of docked horses from abroad for a temporary period of time for the purposes of exhibition, and I also included breeding. The noble Lord, Lord Merthyr, agreed to that Amendment, I think, in principle, but he had some objection to the actual wording of it. The noble Earl, Lord Feversham, intervened to say that the whole of Clause 4 would have to be redrafted if the Bill was to become law, so I withdrew my Amendment in Committee with a view to bringing forward an agreed Amendment at this stage. I understand now that the Ministry of Agriculture feel that they would prefer to bring forward their redrafting of Clause 4 at the proper stage in another place, and I consequently felt it undesir- able to weary your Lordships with any Amendment on my behalf. I hope that the Ministry's decision means that its views as to the ultimate fate of the Bill are such as I should desire.

On Question, Motion agreed to, and Amendments reported accordingly.