HL Deb 25 July 1938 vol 110 c1115

Fourth Schedule, page 21, line 5, leave out from the beginning to the end of line 6.


My Lords, this Amendment is one which I hope will rejoice the heart of Lord Strabolgi, because when the matter Was before your Lordships on a previous occasion he complained bitterly that two words were being removed from Magna Charta. When the matter went to another place, the same objection was felt by other persons, and it was thought a great pity that anything should be removed from Magna Charta. Clause 12 of this Bill provides for the abolition of the particular species of outlawry to which it was desired to put an end; so, the clause having effectively put an end to outlawry of the only kind that now remains, it was pointed out to those people who are so concerned about Magna Charta that it would not matter if the words were left in, because they were going to be removed once and for all by the present measure if it became an Act of Parliament. That was agreed to. Perhaps I may say for myself that I, too, am glad that Magna Charta will not be affected by anything with which I am concerned, so that I shall not go down with Lord Keeper Jeffreys and others as having acted against the interests of this country.

Moved, That this House doth agree with the Commons in the said Amendment.—(The Lord Chancellor.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.