HL Deb 25 July 1938 vol 110 cc1150-1

My Lords, before the adjournment of the House I would like to state that as your Lordships know, there is a long Motion on the Paper by the noble Lord, Lord Davies, for discussion to-morrow. I understand that he has been in correspondence with my noble friend the Foreign Secretary, who proposes to reply to that Motion on Wednesday when he replies to other Motions on the Paper in regard to foreign affairs generally. I understand that the noble Lord, Lord Davies, has agreed to that being done. I only make this statement now so that your Lordships will realise that there is not likely to be a long debate on Lord Davies's Motion to-morrow; at any rate there will be no reply to it then because that reply will be made on Wednesday. In regard to Wednesday, my noble friend Lord Elibank has agreed to ask your Lordships' leave to move his Motion after the Motion of my noble friend Lord Snell. Therefore the order of proceedings, if your Lordships agree to that, will be that the Bishop of Chichester's Motion in regard to post-War refugees will first of all take place, and my noble friend Lord Plymouth will reply to that. Then Lord Snell will move his Motion on general international affairs, and Lord Elibank will move his Motion in regard to China. Then the debate will take place on those two Motions, to which my noble friend the Foreign Secretary will reply at the end of the debate upon them.