§ LORD CLWYD had given Notice that he would ask His Majesty's Government whether they are in a position to make a statement as to the date of the introduction of the Bill, mentioned in the King's Speech, to make better provisions for preventing abuses of the law relating to clubs. The noble Lord said: My Lords, in putting the Question which stands in my name I need hardly say that I fully realise the difficulty which there must be in connection with the allocation of the business in a crowded Session such as this, but I would like to say this, before the noble Earl who is to reply speaks, in reference to the exceptional urgency for the introduction of this Bill. As the Government and the House are aware, developments have recently taken place in connection with the establishment of a certain type of club, which have really rendered it urgently necessary that some legislation should be passed to remedy the palpable defects in relation to the present law in regard to clubs.
173§ As the House will remember, the last Royal Commission on Licensing made certain definite recommendations in reference to what was required in this matter. Also, as the House will remember, there is a volume of support for this Bill in the country which is exceptional, I think, in extent and in character. The House will be aware of one fact which is I think of very great importance—namely, the decisive support which this legislation has received from the Magistrates' Association, representing those who are primarily responsible for the administration of the licensing laws of this country. I have put this Question with the object of obtaining from the Government, if that is possible, an assurance that this Bill which 174 has been promised in the King's Speech will be introduced at such a date as will enable it to be passed in the course of the present Session. I beg to put the Question.
§ EARL FORTESCUEMy Lords, I can assure the noble Lord that, as the Government have made plain already on previous occasions, they fully appreciate the importance of the subject, and it is their definite purpose to carry out their promise of introducing the Bill during the present Session. The preparation of the Bill is actively proceeding, but it is not at the present moment possible to specify any date for its introduction.
§ House adjourned at seven o' clock.