HL Deb 13 July 1937 vol 106 c366

Page 7, line 28, leave out ("registered proprietor of a") and insert ("proprietor of a registered")

Page 7, line 29, after ("it") insert ("in respect of ally goods in respect of which it is registered")

Page 7, line 34, after ("assignment") insert ("of the first-mentioned trade mark")


My Lords, the object of these three Amendments in subsection (4) is to make clear that, notwithstanding the extension of Clause 7 to unregistered trade marks under the conditions laid down in the proposed new subsection (3), the facility given by subsection (4) to the proprietor of a trade mark to take the opinion of the Registrar as to whether his assignment would or would not be invalid under the clause is to be confined to registered trade marks. I beg to move that the Amendments be agreed to.

Moved, That: this House doth agree with the Commons in the said Amendments.—(Lord Templemore.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.