HL Deb 06 July 1937 vol 106 cc42-3

Clause 8, page 4, line 24, leave out ("or any other Act") and insert ("Act or otherwise. Provision may be made, in prescribing any such table, for the remission of fees for the inspection of records for historical or literary purposes").


My Lords, under the existing system a fee is payable in the Record Office for every record inspected, but in practice, with Treasury authority, remission of fees is allowed to students who have literary permits. Fees must, of course, be paid on all searches for legal purposes. It is the intention that the existing practice of allowing remission of fees to literary students should be continued. No express statutory provision appears to be required for this purpose, but this Amendment, which provides that in prescribing a table of fees provision may be made for the remission of fees for the inspection of any records for historical or literary purposes, has been introduced in order to place the matter beyond all doubt. I beg to move that this House cloth agree with the Commons in this Amendment.

Moved, That this House doth agree with the Commons in the said Amendment.—(Lord Strathcona anti Mount Royal.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.