HL Deb 22 December 1937 vol 107 cc559-60

My Lords, I desire to ask my noble friend the Leader of the House a question of which I have given him private notice. I want to know whether he can give me any information with regard to the setting up of the Committee on road accidents which was agreed to a fortnight ago. There has been, I regret to say, some delay in the matter, and I do not see that it will be possible for any work to be done before the middle of February. But at all events, if he is unable to give the names of the Chairman and members of the Committee, perhaps he will give the name of the official to whom the numerous communications which are arriving from all sources should be sent. I ask that for this special reason, that I observe a rival or hostile Committee consisting of irresponsible persons belonging to this House has already been set up, according to the newspapers, and there may consequently be considerable confusion in the minds of the public as to which body to address.


My Lords, I am obliged to my noble friend for giving me an opportunity of making a statement upon a matter of general public interest. I hope I shall be able to set his mind at rest as regards the possibility of confusion between several bodies. As the noble Lord himself knows, steps are being taken towards settling the composition of the Select Committee which, as the result of the noble Lord's Motion the other day, your Lordships decided should go into the question of the prevention of road accidents. It has not been possible to put a Motion down before the Christmas Recess, containing the names of the noble Lords whom it is proposed should compose the Committee, but I can assure the noble Lord that amongst the earliest business when the House reassembles will be found the consideration of such a Motion, and the Committee will get to work as soon as possible thereafter. Meanwhile, if any noble Lords, or any of the public generally, have any communications which they wish should be considered by the Committee, they should address them to the Secretary of the Committee at the House of Lords.

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