HL Deb 26 November 1936 vol 103 c423

My Lords, in the case of this Order I shall have to move two small Amendments to correct clerical errors. The object of the Order is, firstly, to prevent the members of the Advisory Councils of the Provinces of Sind and Orissa, the two new Provinces, from being disabled from standing for election under the new Constitution. They hold offices of profit under the Crown and technically unless this Order is passed they would be disabled. It was never the intention that they should be disabled, but that they should be on the same footing as the other Ministers in the other and older Provinces of India. The second part of the Order is merely to restrict the extent of the costs which the Commissioners who hear an election petition can recommend should be paid by the petitioners. The Amendment is merely to correct a clerical error. I beg to move that the Order be now considered.

Moved, That the Draft Order, as presented to Parliament and reported from the India and Burma Orders Committee on Thursday last, be now considered.—(The Marquess of Zetland.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.


My Lords, I beg to move the drafting Amendments which are on the Paper.

Amendments moved— In paragraph 4, page 2, line 5, after ("paragraph eight") insert ("of Part III"). In paragraph 4, page 2, line 23, after ("paragraph eight") insert ("of Part III").—(The Marquess of Zetland.)

On Question, Amendments agreed to.


My Lords, now I beg to move that the Draft Order be approved as amended.

Moved, That the Draft Order, as presented to Parliament and reported from the India and Burma Orders Committee on Thursday last, be approved as amended.—(The Marquess of Zetland.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.