HL Deb 24 November 1936 vol 103 c355

Message from the Commons to acquaint this House that they have appointed a Committee, to consist of seven members, to join with the Committee of this House, to inquire into the powers of regulating charges possessed by the South Metropolitan Gas Company and other gas companies authorised to operate under a basic price and basic dividend system, to consider whether adequate protection is afforded to the interests of the different classes of gas consumers under such powers, and to report what action, if any, is necessary; and that they have made the following orders: That leave be given to the Committee to hear the parties interested by themselves, their counsel or agents, so far as the Committee think fit; that, the Committee have power to send for persons, papers and records; that three be the quorum; and to request that their Lordships will be pleased to appoint an equal number of Lords to be joined with the members appointed by them.

The said Message to be taken into consideration to-morrow.