HL Deb 27 May 1936 vol 100 cc1214-5

EARL GREY moved to resolve, That in accordance with the Church of England Assembly (Powers) Act, 1919, this House do direct that the Cathedrals (Houses of Residence) Measure, 1936, be presented to His Majesty for the Royal Assent. The noble Earl said: My Lords, this Measure has been prepared by the Cathedral Commissioners to make it possible to deal in certain cases with the houses of resident Deans and Canons of Cathedral Churches. The Ecclesiastical Leasing Acts, 1842 and 1848, gave the Ecclesiastical Corporations power to deal with transfers of land but not power to deal with houses. Modern conditions have proved that some of the houses which remain in possession of the Chapters are too large for their present occupants, and sometimes are not fitted for their present purpose. At the same time, with these disabilities, it is possible under certain conditions to dispose of these houses without adequate safeguards for the general interest. It is possible that some houses of very great architectural and antiquarian interest might be demolished with no consent except that of the Visitor.

This Measure proposes to correct that. Where it is proved desirable in the general interest to make certain alterations in the management of the property of the Chapter as a whole and where houses of historical or antiquarian interest are concerned, it will be necessary to obtain the consent of the Bishop of the diocese, of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, and, of course, where the dignity concerned is in Crown patronage, the consent of the Crown as well. Clause 4 (1) (ii) (b) of the Measure provides that the Ecclesiastical Commissioners in cases where buildings or objects of archæological, historical or artistic interest are concerned, shall, if necessary, consult the Ancient Monuments Board, and they may also, if they think fit, consult such other authorities as they think right. In all such cases where sales are effected, the funds have to be used for the benefit of the Chapter and all proper safeguards are inserted in the Measure. I beg to move.

Moved to resolve, That in accordance with the Church of England Assembly (Powers) Act, 1919, this House do direct that the Cathedrals (Houses of Residence) Measure, 1936, be presented to His Majesty for the Royal Assent.—(Earl Grey.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.