HL Deb 04 March 1936 vol 99 c918

My Lords, I now rise formally to move the Motion which stands in my name. The noble Viscount, Lord Mersey, has suggested an Amendment with which I should like to associate myself, and I think that would meet the point made by the most reverend Primate. It would leave out the first two lines of my Motion down to the words "Act, 1910," and would also leave out all words after the word "clubs." The first part was intended to hang on to Lord Arnold's Motion, and the second part is argument taken from the Motion passed at the Church Assembly, but is really only one of the arguments for doing what we desire. I beg to move the. Motion in the amended form.

Moved to resolve, That this House is of opinion that His Majesty's Government should take measures for controlling the promotion and spread of undesirable drinking clubs.—(Lord Askwith.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.