HL Deb 25 February 1936 vol 99 cc733-4

My Lords, in regard to the next Order, concerning which I move the Motion standing in my name, I think a few words of explanation are due to your Lordships. This is the first exercise of the powers conferred by Section 1 of the Debts Clearing Offices and Import Restrictions Act, 1931, regarding the setting up of clearing offices in cases where payments or transfers from any foreign country to persons in the United Kingdom are subjected to restrictions, or are prohibited or have been discontinued. These conditions are fulfilled in the case of Spain, where payments have been subject to considerable and increasing delay. The Order provides accordingly for the setting up of an Anglo-Spanish Clearing Office and, subject to certain specified exceptions and deductions, for the payment to the Clearing Office of debts due in respect of Spanish goods imported into the United Kingdom. Particulars of the importation of Spanish goods are obtained by the requirement that the importers must furnish the Commissioners of Customs and Excise with a declaration in such form as the Clearing Office may require. In Article 7 power is taken to require proof of origin in respect of goods consigned from Spain or from such other countries as the Board of Trade may from time to time direct. The Spanish Government expressed the wish that a Clearing Agreement on the lines of the Anglo-Spanish Payments Agreement should be concluded. This Order was made to carry out the undertaking given to the Spanish Government in Article 4 of the Agreement. I beg to move that it be approved.

Moved, That the Special Order, as reported from the Special Orders Committee on Thursday last, be approved.—(Lord Templemore.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.