HL Deb 22 October 1935 vol 98 cc1089-90

My Lords, before the Question that is about to be addressed to the Government by the noble Lord, Lord Marley, is put, I have to acquaint the House that I have received from the Recorder of London the following letter:

"Central Criminal Court,

Old Bailey,

London, E.C.

15 October, 1935.

My Lord,

With reference to my letter of the 10th ultimo respecting Rex v. Edward South-well Russell, Lord de Clifford, a Peer of the Realm, I have the honour to inform you that indictments have now been preferred at this Court upon the committal from the Kingston-upon-Thames Police Court.

Lord de Clifford therefore now stands charged with felony, manslaughter, upon an inquisition found by a Coroner's jury, and upon an indictment preferred under the Administration of Justice (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 1933. All the recognisances respecting the felony (including bail recognisances) have been enlarged until the pleasure of the House of Lords is signified.

Lord de Clifford is also indicted for the misdemeanour of driving a motor vehicle in a manner dangerous to the public, and the recognisances respecting this offence have been enlarged until further order by this Court.

I have the honour to be, My Lord,

Your Lordships' obedient servant,


Recorder of London."

In accordance with precedent, I propose to put a Motion on the Order Paper for to-morrow that a, Select Committee be appointed to inspect the Journals of the House upon former trials of Peers in criminal cases and to consider the proper methods of procedure, in order to bring Lord de Clifford to a speedy trial, and to report to the House what they shall think proper thereupon.