HL Deb 16 May 1935 vol 96 cc915-6

My Lords, may I, by the indulgence of the House, mention one matter in regard to next week's business which I think will be for the convenience of your Lordships to know? There is a Motion down for Tuesday in the name of my noble friend Lord Lloyd relating to Imperial defence. Some of your Lordships may have seen that there is to be a debate in another place on Wednesday with regard to the same topic, and His Majesty's Government propose to take the opportunity of those debates to make a statement as to their general policy. It is probably for the convenience of everyone that a statement of that character should be made simultaneously in both Houses. Accordingly I have asked my noble friend Lord Lloyd if he would be good enough to postpone his Motion from Tuesday until Wednesday, and he has agreed to do so.

Unfortunately there are already four Notices on the Order Paper for Wednesday. I have communicated with each of the noble Lords who have these Questions and Motions on the Paper, and they all agree to transfer them from Wednesday to Tuesday. That, of course, necessitates a formal Motion in this House, and I am proposing to put down a. Motion to that effect, which will be taken on Tuesday. Meanwhile, the Order Paper will continue to appear, with the Notices of the four noble Lords for Wednesday; but I would like to take this opportunity of giving notice that Wednesday's business will be taken on Tuesday, assuming your Lordships consent, and Tuesday's business on Wednesday, and I have arranged with the learned Clerk of the Parliaments to include in the Order Paper an intimation to that. effect.