HL Deb 05 March 1935 vol 96 cc1-2

Message from the Commons to acquaint this House that they have appointed a Committee of three members to join with the Committee appointed by this House, as mentioned in their Lordships' Message of Tuesday last, to consider the Petition of the State of Western Australia for a Bill to effectuate the withdrawal of the people of Western Australia from the Federal Commonwealth of Australia, and to report whether the same is proper to be received; and that they have made the following Orders: That the Committee have leave to hear Counsel to such extent as they shall see fit, and have power to send for persons, papers and records; that two he the quorum; that the Petition of the people of the State o Western Australia, presented to the House on the 17th day of December last, be referred to the Committee; and that they do report upon the advisability of its reception by the House.

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